Some cars are forgettable - metal boxes on wheels that the mere fact that going from A to B. Then there are the cars that I will never forget - the guys that take your breath away. With its aggressive styling and an engine
that can impress even the most experienced car enthusiasts, who never forget the 2012 Ford Shelby.

The Ford Mustang has been our first choice among muscle car pony, and the GT500 only increases the power to supercar levels. With 550 horsepower in the feet, buttocks mega-Mustang Dodge Challenger and Chevrolet Camaro in quarter mile. The Shelby promotes his advantage when the road starts to turn, thanks to a well adjusted suspension and super sticky tires.
With a price tag approaching $ 50,000, however, the domain is not cheap. And 'more than twice as capable of 305 horsepower Mustang V6 costs and almost $ 20,000 more than already rough Mustang GT. It has a lot of scratch for the Mustang, especially one stuck in interior design is not very different from well-equipped Mustang GT. Unimpressive interior materials and the only Tilt steering wheel are even more completely surprising at this price.

But overall, these spots next to all that is great on the 2012 Ford Shelby GT500. This is a chill faster than the Camaro and Challenger, and its back seat, it is more convenient than a Corvette. No doubt this will be a happy memory for deathbed, those lucky enough to own one.